stakeholder power interest grid template

stakeholder power interest grid template is a stakeholder power interest grid sample that gives infomration on stakeholder power interest grid design and format. when designing stakeholder power interest grid example, it is important to consider stakeholder power interest grid template style, design, color and theme. one valuable tool in stakeholder analysis is the power-interest grid, which helps categorize stakeholders based on their level of power and interest in a project. it allows organizations to identify and understand the various individuals, groups, or entities that have an interest in a project or can significantly impact its outcome. the power-interest grid, also known as the stakeholder map, is a simple yet powerful tool for visualizing and categorizing stakeholders based on two key factors: their level of power and their level of interest in the project. stakeholders with high interest have a direct stake in the project and are more likely to be affected by its success or failure. now that we understand the key concepts of power and interest, let’s explore how to use the power-interest grid effectively: the first step in stakeholder analysis is identifying all potential stakeholders.

stakeholder power interest grid overview

here’s how to categorize them on the power-interest grid: high power, high interest (manage closely): these stakeholders have both the ability and the motivation to exert significant influence on the project. low power, high interest (keep informed): these stakeholders have a keen interest in the project but limited influence. this plan should outline how you will communicate and interact with each group based on their position on the power-interest grid. customized engagement: tailoring your engagement strategy to each stakeholder group ensures that you meet their specific needs and expectations. the power-interest grid simplifies the process by categorizing stakeholders based on their power and interests, making it easier to develop a targeted engagement strategy. remember that stakeholder analysis is not a one-time exercise; it should be an ongoing process to adapt to changing circumstances and evolving stakeholder dynamics.

understanding who these stakeholders are allows the project team to spend more time with the stakeholders that have a significant interest in the project and who exert significant influence over the project. they are the decision-makers and act as a supervisor and controller of the project. as discussed in chapter 3 regarding the project charter, the project sponsor can be referred to as the “initiating sponsor.” they have the authority to start and stop the project and will support the achievement of project objectives by removing the barriers to success. on the minus side, failure can be quite dramatic and visible to all, and if the project is large as is in our case and expensive, the cost of failure will be more substantial than for a smaller, less visible project. the branches in our case, and also the call center, are the internal customers of our project. therefore, their interest in our new system may not be high most of the time. government and regulatory agencies are generally considered to have high power and low interest if they have an inspection and approval authority in the project.

stakeholder power interest grid format

a stakeholder power interest grid sample is a type of document that creates a copy of itself when you open it. The doc or excel template has all of the design and format of the stakeholder power interest grid sample, such as logos and tables, but you can modify content without altering the original style. When designing stakeholder power interest grid form, you may add related information such as stakeholder power interest grid template,stakeholder power interest grid example,power/influence grid,high power,low interest stakeholder example

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stakeholder power interest grid guide

they may have a moderate level of interest in the functions and conditions in our erp module if spare parts and consumables are included. we have explained in case study 1.1 that the project sponsor, project manager, and project team are placed in this quadrant. in the headquarters of grocery llc, sales and marketing departments are expected to have a high interest in this project. in some cases, it isn’t uncommon for project managers to be working with stakeholders that are not supportive of the project. the role of stakeholders in identifying and managing risks will be discussed in chapter 10. stakeholders may convey their issues regarding the project explicitly or implicitly. they may be aware of the project and potential impacts but resistant to any changes that may occur as a result of the work or outcomes of the project. mary can be the project manager or the supervisor in the team that audits and approves the activity and its deliverables.

stakeholder management is one of the core skills that every project manager or change manager needs to master. the project sponsor) or groups of people (e.g. the first step in our stakeholder analysis is to brainstorm who our stakeholders are. the tool maps the power and influence that stakeholders have on a project or its outcomes. categorise your list of stakeholders depending on their power and interest in the project. depending on the culture of the organisation, this can often be an uncomfortable process for team members. when you plot your stakeholders on a power/interest grid, you can determine who has high or low power to affect your project, and who has high or low interest.

to simplify stakeholder analysis i have made my own excel template that can be used to analyse stakeholders and categorise them into the 4 quadrants of the power interest matrix. check it out here: if you’ve found this article useful and would like a copy of my stakeholder management template then please either click the button below or use the contact us form to request further information. as stated at the beginning of the article stakeholder management is one of the core skills of any project or change manager. please use the ‘get in touch’ option at the top of the page to leave a message with your email address. would it be possible to send the template to my email please? can you please send me the copy of your template on ? please could you send over the templates as described regarding stakeholder mapping/matrix/management?